Hyper Verge
Branding for Artificial Intelligence

Hyper Verge is an Artificial Intelligence company based in Silicon Valley. They’re building image recognition engines that can recognize faces, objects, places and events. Just submit a photo and the engine will tell you what’s in the photo and categorize it based on its content. Its pretty amazing!
Hyper Verge’s business model is primarily B2C, i.e. it licenses its technology to consumer web companies (such as social networks, ecommerces companies etc…) and also provides a robust API for integration with any Web / Mobile App. In this context, they approached us to build an identity with a simple requirement – gravitas.
After several conversations with the founding team, we realized that Hyper Verge needed an identity that balanced between the cutting edge work they do and the credibility they need to have to power large, multi-million user applications.