Abhisek Sarda / 2013-08-13
Iconomic Meltdown Bombay Edition: 60 Designers, 24 Hours, 900 Icons!

The Second Edition of the Iconomic Meltdown took place on the 10-11 August at the Ecole Intuit Lab in Parel, Bombay.
Iconomic Meltdown is a series of 24-hour events for designers to come together and make beautiful icons. This will culminate into an online platform called “Iconomy”, where anyone can search for and download icons to use in their projects.
The Bombay Edition had 60 talented designers participating with more than 900 icons created in 24 hours. The subjects for the icons ranged from Bollywood Villains and Pani Puri to Romantic Songs and Farting.
In the next couple of months, we’ll bring Iconomic Meltdown to Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. For more updates on the Iconomic Meltdown, you can follow us on Facebook.